There Is A Miracle In Showing Up!

The Blessing is in the Press…Sometimes you have to press your way and show up.

In Mark 8:1-21 (KJV), which is a familiar passage of scripture, the multitude had been with Jesus for three days “Having nothing to eat.”  While they were with Jesus, The Living Bread (John 6:51) they were not concerned with eating (in the natural) because they were being feed (spiritually).

Jesus knew that they were in the wilderness and that He was getting ready to leave them.  He said to His Disciples, “If I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way,” for some have come from so far.

Jesus took seven loaves of bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to His disciples to set before the multitude.  He did the same with a few small fish.  After the multitude was done eating, Jesus sent them away. The Bible says in verse 8 that there were seven baskets of “leftover food.”  (NLT)

Immediately, Jesus and His Disciples got into the ship and went to Dalmanutha.  As soon as Jesus got there the Pharisees came forth and begin to (argue) question Jesus, tempt Him, and demand that He prove His authority.  After Jesus rebuked them, He left and went to the other side.

When the Disciples got into the ship, verse 14 says that they had forgotten to bring any food.  They only had one loaf of bread with them on the ship.  Verse 16, they began to argue with one another because they had not brought any bread with them.

Can imagine them on the ship looking around for food as they began to look at one another and thinking they could only see one loaf of bread.  All the leftover food that they had left behind, they probably began accusing one another of leaving the baskets.  Seven baskets and we have no food.  Not even thinking of how they were insulting Jesus or how the seven baskets of food could have blessed others.

I am thinking of the people who may have been traveling for days to get to Jesus only to arrive and realize that He had already gone to Dalmanutha.  They may have missed Jesus but the residue, the remains of the miraculous was left behind.  Praise God!  I could see the people telling the late comers how Jesus stayed with them for three days and before He dismissed them He prayed and blessed the food that was miraculously created from seven loaves of bread and a few small fish.

Can you imagine arriving to your destination and everyone else is leaving? But because you showed up you were able to be a partaker of the miracle, the leftovers that Jesus left behind, just for you.

If you would just show up, if you would just get into the atmosphere, the place where Jesus had been teaching for three days, the Glory Zone.   Sometimes what we expect to see is not what He wants us to show up and receive.  They may not have been there to see Jesus, but He left behind the evidence of His presence.

If you would just press your way…you may not be able to see the actual miracle take place, but you can partake in the miracle just by showing up.  You can receive some of the same benefits just by showing up.

If you feel the Lord leading you some place.  Waking you early to pray.  Just be obedient and get there.  The Blessing is in your obedience. God will prepare the table for you.  Abundance is waiting for you. Peace is waiting for you.   God’s plan is waiting for you.   Joy is waiting for you.

Press your way, Show up…Get in the Glory Zone.  It may be left over, but everything that God made was and is good.  As for Him, His way is perfect. Sometimes what we consider to be late is right on time for God.  It’s time for you to benefit and be blessed.  It’s time for God’s superabundance.

Leftovers for someone else may be a miracle and a blessing for someone else. Praise God!

Let’s Pray:

Father God thank you for every provision.  Thank you for being a provider in my life.  Thank you for making a way out of no way.  Thank you for blessing me when I did not see a blessing coming.  Thank you for feeding me when I was hungry.  Thank You for giving me Spiritual Bread when I needed a Word from You. Thank You for living water.  Thank You that I will never thirst again.  Thank You for Your healing power, Anointing, and Grace.  Thank You for plans and strategies when I did not know which way to go or which way to turn.  Thank You for being a Blessing to my family, my children, my husband, my friends, my neighbors, and everyone in my life.  Thank You for showing me how to walk in victory.  Thank You for being good to me.  Thank you for being God.  Thank you for being Lord, in and over my life.   Father thank You….I give you Praise.  I give You Honor, and I give you all the Glory.

In Jesus Name, I pray this prayer.  Amen!


Dr. Troye



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